Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 10696

April 25, 2024

  • Sec. 14-37 Written Order From Lot Owner Required For Opening Grave.

  • Sec. 14-39 Fee For Digging Graves.

  • Sec. 14-40 Supervision and Control of Interments; Opening Or Closing of Graves By Unauthorized Persons Prohibited.

  • Sec. 14-38 Location and Direction of Graves; Location of Cremation Sites.

  • Sec. 14-30 Prohibited Acts Generally.

  • Sec. 14-41 Scheduling of Interments.

  • Sec. 14-43 Interments Not to Be Made On Christmas Day, On Sundays, Or After 4:30 P.m.

  • Sec. 14-42 Written Order Required For Interment; Advance Notice to Cemeteries Supervisor.

  • Sec. 14-44 Only One Interment to Be Made In Same Grave; Exceptions.

  • Sec. 14-46 Right of City to Close Cemetery For Disinterments and Certain Interments.

  • Sec. 14-47 Determination of Lot and Interment Charges and Fees.

  • Sec. 14-48 Duty of Funeral Directors to Have Outside Box On Lot Before Funeral Service.

  • Sec. 14-45 Interments to Be Made In Presence of Representative of City.

  • Sec. 14-51 Hours When Interment Permitted.

  • Sec. 14-50 Lot Owner Not to Have Body Interred For Remuneration.

  • Sec. 14-49 Taking Pictures At Interment.

  • Sec. 14-52 Remains to Be Encased In Casket and Outside Box Or Vault Or In Urn.

  • Sec. 14-53 Written Permission Required For Disinterment; Payment of Costs of Disinterment.

  • Sec. 14-54 Work By Unauthorized Persons Prohibited.

  • Sec. 14-55 Mounds On Graves.

  • Sec. 14-56 Planting Trees, Flowers Or Other Plants.

  • Sec. 14-59 Bringing In, Destroying Or Removing Sod, Seed, Soil, Fertilizer Or Tools.

  • Sec. 14-57 Pruning Trees.

  • Sec. 14-58 Right of City to Remove Trees, Shrubs Or Other Plants.

  • Sec. 14-60 Removing Plants, Flowers Or Cuttings.

  • Secs. 14-62—14-90 Reserved.

  • Sec. 14-61 Right of City to Remove Or Destroy Diseased Or Objectionable Plants Or Other Items Without Notice.

  • Sec. 14-91 Definitions.

  • Sec. 14-94 Permit Required For Construction of Monument; Supervision of Work.

  • Sec. 14-92 Certificate of Ownership of Lot Prerequisite to Placement On Lot.

  • Sec. 14-95 Permit, Bond and Insurance For Persons Installing Monuments Or Other Memorials.

  • Sec. 14-93 Right of City to Prohibit Erection of Certain Monuments.

  • Sec. 14-97 Approval of Design, Inscription and Location.

  • Sec. 14-98 Material; General Requirements For Markers.

  • Sec. 14-99 Height of Bases of Monuments; Erection of Foundations.

  • Sec. 14-96 Placing Monuments On Transferred Portion of Lots.

  • Sec. 14-102 "no Monument" Lots; Markers In Sections Designated For Urns.

  • Sec. 14-101 Boulder and Semi Boulder Type Monuments Or Markers Prohibited.

  • Sec. 14-100 Manner of Setting Monuments.

  • Sec. 14-103 Graves Or Lots Not to Be Marked Except With Approved Monument Or Markers.

  • Sec. 14-105 Number and Dimensions of Monuments and Markers Generally.

  • Sec. 14-104 Application For Placement.

  • Sec. 14-106 Marking Graves Generally.

  • Sec. 14-107 All Graves to Have Permanent Markers; Fee For Markers Provided By City.

  • Sec. 14-110 Location of Marker On Grave.

  • Sec. 14-109 Number of Markers On Grave.

  • Sec. 14-108 Location to Be Determined By City.

  • Sec. 14-111 Markers On Same Lot to Be of Same Material and Design.

  • Sec. 14-112 Placement of Markers; Top Dimensions of Markers.

  • Sec. 14-113 Markers On Children's Graves.