Colorado Formal Ethics Opinions

from March 26, 1960
Last Document: November 07, 2022

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 110

July 08, 2019

  • 80 Lawyer’s duty to disclose mistakes in commercial closing

  • November 01, 2019

  • 138 Ethical Duties Pertaining to Lawyers Consulting About a Client's Matter

  • January 01, 1995

  • 38 Referral fees

  • 20 Fee collection

  • June 16, 2007

  • 117 Ethical responsibilities of attorneys in legal services and pro bono programs concerning prospective clients

  • February 01, 2016

  • 93 Ex parte contacts with government officials

  • January 01, 1995

  • 34 Advancement of living expenses for personal injury client

  • February 20, 2013

  • 78 Disqualification of the advocate/witness

  • January 01, 1995

  • 8 Office sharing - "associates"

  • February 12, 2008

  • 118 Handling of funds disputed after proper withdrawal from trust account

  • January 01, 1995

  • 84 Listing of support personnel names on letterhead and business cards

  • 74 Lawyer newsletters

  • January 01, 2009

  • 14 Attorney as city councilman

  • May 18, 1996

  • 13 Office sharing - municipal judge

  • May 14, 2022

  • 145 Discrimination Bias

  • January 01, 1998

  • 85 Release and settlement of legal malpractice claims

  • September 13, 2017

  • 131 Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity Where the Subject of the Representation Is the Client’s Diminished Capacity

  • June 06, 1964

  • 33 Contributions, judicial campaign

  • May 01, 2019

  • 137 Advising, Directing, and Supervising Others in Lawful Investigative Activities That Involve Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation

  • June 21, 1997

  • 100 Use of conversion clauses in contingent fee agreements

  • May 18, 1997

  • 48 Representation of public body, conflict of interest

  • April 18, 1992

  • 71 Ex parte communications with treating physicians

  • August 06, 2015

  • 109 Acquiring an ownership interest in a client

  • December 19, 1998

  • 103 Propriety of compensating a non-expert witness in a civil action

  • May 17, 2008

  • 120 Representing an organization as a party in a dispute

  • November 13, 2021

  • 144 Ethical Issues When a Lawyer is Faced with Questions about the Amount a Client May Owe a Third Person for Medical Expenses at the Conclusion of a Personal Injury Case

  • January 01, 1995

  • 82 Assertion of attorney’s retaining lien on client’s papers

  • 63 Lawyer’s relationship with a traffic clinic

  • January 01, 1996

  • 45 Representation of client by part-time judge

  • January 01, 1995

  • 43 Duty to insured

  • March 12, 2018

  • 89 Office sharing and Virtual Offices

  • April 01, 2022

  • 143 Foundations of a fee agreement

  • January 01, 1995

  • 67 Contingent fee arrangement in child support and spousal maintenance cases

  • May 01, 2019

  • 127 Use of Social Media for Investigative Purposes

  • March 18, 2019

  • 136 A Lawyer's Response To A Client's Online Public Commentary Concerning The Lawyer

  • December 15, 2018

  • 108 Inadvertent disclosure of privileged or confidential documents

  • January 04, 2018

  • 134 Ethics of Preparing Agreements for Jointly Represented Clients in Litigation to Make Collective Settlement Decisions

  • December 09, 2011

  • 68 Conflicts of interest: propriety of multiple representation

  • June 16, 2009

  • 121 Use of temporary lawyers and other professionals not admitted to practice in Colorado ("outsourcing")

  • March 17, 2007

  • 116 Ethical considerations in the dissolution of a law firm or a lawyer’s departure from a law firm

  • January 01, 1995

  • 25 Use of attorney’s signature on collection case summons

  • July 10, 2021

  • 142 A Lawyer's Duty to Inquire

  • October 05, 2016

  • 66 Imposition of interest or finance charges on client accounts

  • July 20, 2020

  • 141 Ethical Duties Arising from Data Breach

  • January 01, 1995

  • 9 Office sharing - "associates"

  • June 19, 1993

  • 92 Practice restrictions in settlement agreements

  • January 01, 2013

  • 91 Ethical duties of attorney selected by insurer to represent its insured

  • July 01, 2018

  • 90 Preservation of client confidences in view of modern communications technology

  • January 01, 1995

  • 79 Use of legal assistants in client representation

  • 70 Juror communications