Arkansas Rules

Arkansas Rules of Criminal Procedure


Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1698

January 01, 2016

  • Rule 4.7. Recording Custodial Interrogations

  • Rule 5.1. Definitions

  • Rule 5.2. Authority to Issue Citations

  • Rule 5.3. Form of Citation

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 10.2. Permissible Objects of Seizure

  • Rule 8.5. Pretrial Release Inquiry: When Conducted; Nature of

  • Rule 15.5. Effect On Civil Remedies

  • 16 Evidentiary Exclusion [Details]

  • Rule 16.1. Scope of Rule

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 5.4. Procedure For Issuing Citations

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 16.2. Motions to Suppress Evidence

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 5.5. Repealed

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 13.1. Issuance of Search Warrant

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 6.1. Authority to Issue Summons

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 12.1. Permissible Purposes

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 6.2. Form of Summons

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 13.6. Issuance and Execution of Warrants For Illegally Possessed Pictures and Literature

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 6.3. Service of Criminal Summons

  • January 01, 2020

  • 17 Disclosure to Defendant [Details]

  • Rule 17.1. Prosecuting Attorney's Obligations

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 4.6. Procedures On Arrest: Prompt Taking to Police Station

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 12.4. Search of Vehicles: Permissible Circumstances

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 4.3. Arrest Pursuant to Warrant: Possession of Warrant Unnecessary

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 12.3. Search of the Person: Search of Body Cavities

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 4.1. Authority to Arrest Without Warrant

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 11.2. Persons From Whom Effective Consent May Be Obtained

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 1.7. Effective Date and Application

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 11.5. Withdrawal Or Limitation of Consent

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 3.2. Advice As to Reason For Detention

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 12.6. Custodial Taking of Property Pursuant to Arrest; Vehicles

  • Rule 13.3. Execution of a Search Warrant

  • Rule 12.5. Search of Premises: Permissible Circumstances, Time and Scope

  • Rule 11.4. Items Seized: Receipt

  • Rule 11.3. Search Limited By Scope of Consent

  • Rule 14.2. Search of Open Lands

  • 10 General Provisions [Details]

  • Rule 8.3. Nature of First Appearance

  • Rule 14.3. Emergency Searches

  • Rule 9.3. Prohibition of Wrongful Acts Pending Trial

  • Rule 13.5. Execution and Return of Warrants For Documents

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 1.2. Scope

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 11.1. Authority to Search and Seize Pursuant to Consent

  • Rule 8.7. Use of Video Conferences In Pretrial Proceedings

  • Rule 9.4. Notice of Penalties

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 1.1. Title

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 8.1. Prompt First Appearance

  • January 01, 2016

  • Rule 4.2. Authority to Arrest With Warrant

  • January 01, 2020

  • Rule 13.2. Contents of Search Warrant

  • 14 Vehicular, Emergency and Other Searches and Seizures [Details]

  • Rule 14.1. Vehicular Searches