Illinois Attorney General Opinions

from January 01, 1925
Last Document: October 17, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1387

  • IL Opinion S-677. ELECTIONS:Rental expense for polling place

  • IL Opinion S-1398. STATE MATTERS:Disposition of Proceeds from Sale of State Vehicles

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1364. PUBLIC RECORDS AND INFORMATION : Disclosure of information concerning Medicaid Recipients

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1455. ZONING:Non-Conforming Uses and Variances. Authorized by County Zoning Enabling Act

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1381. ENVIRQB&iENTAL PROTECTION: Legality of Disclosure of Trade Secrets by Illinois EPA to Attorney General's Employees

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1273. TRANSPORTATION: Power of Department of Transportation to Permit Construction of Bus Passenger Shelters on Right-of-Way Under Its Jurisdiction

  • IL Opinion S-1244. SPORTS AND GAMING: tJsé of Race Track Improvement Fund Money

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1187. PENSIONS : Whether Pregnancy is Disability under Section 14-162 of Pension code

  • January 01, 1991

  • IL Opinion 91-007. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Procedure for Implementing Penalties Imposed for Traffic and Criminal Surcharge Fund and Crime Victim's Assistance Fund

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1298. FAMILY LAW:Concerning State Compliance With Federal Regulations Under the "Child Abuse and Heglect Prevention and Treatment Program"


  • IL Opinion S-1475. REGULATED INDUSTRIES: necessity for Schedule Rating in Establishing Workmen's Compensation Insurance Rates

  • IL Opinion S-1491. HOME RULE:Exercise of Exclusive State Power by the General Assembly

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-037. COUNTIES :Amenability of Drainage District to County Floodplain Ordinance


  • IL Opinion S-1260. COUNTIES : Management of the County Clerk's Office

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion S-1481. MOTOR VEHICLES:Imposition of Reinstatement Fee For Drivers' Licenses Which Have Been Suspended or Revoked


  • IL Opinion S-486. COUNTIES:County Board Member -Change in Compensation Daring Term

  • IL Opinion S-967. COUNTIES:Assignment of Wages

  • January 01, 1992

  • IL Opinion 92-005. LABOR: Enforceability of Personnel Records Review Act


  • IL Opinion S-771. OFFICERS:Power to Appoint and Confirm Appointment after Act Becomes Law but Prior to Effective Date

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1299. STATE MATTERS : Expenditure of State Funds to improve or Remodel Property Being Leased from a Private Owner.


  • IL Opinion S-318. UNIFORM RECIPROCAL ENORCEMENT OF SUPPORT;Determination of Faternity in Responding Jurisdiction

  • IL Opinion S-1271. COUNTIES:County Clerks Shall Charge the Applicable Filing Fees For All Individuals Filing Statements of Economic Interest, and Political Committees Filing Statements of Organization and Cartain Campaign Finance Reports

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 96-042. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST: County Board Member Serving as County Housing Authority Executive Director


  • IL Opinion S-1241. COUNTIES :Forest Service Patrols

  • IL Opinion 82-016. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Authority' to Terminate Prosecution of Traffic Offenses

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1279. OFFICERS : Coroners Crime Scene Investigation


  • IL Opinion S-14. OFFICERS :Representation of Regional Boards of School Trustees by State's Attorneys

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1399. ELECTIONS:Voter Registration for Election of Fir® Protection District Trustees


  • IL Opinion S-330. COURTS Coats - Sheriff's Fees State's Liability for Payment

  • January 01, 1981

  • IL Opinion 81-038. REVEMJE:Revocation of License Under Bingo License and Tax Act


  • IL Opinion S-658. COUNTIES:Fees and salaries -Recorder, Auditor and Clerk of the Circuit Court

  • January 01, 1973

  • IL Opinion S-631. CONSTITUTION: Legality of expenditure of reduced amount of item of appropriation

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion 82-009. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Whether Monies from the Illinois Hazardous Waste Fund May Be Used As the State Match for Federal Funds Provided for Cleanup Purposes Pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-961. COUNTIES:Filling of Vacancies in County Offices under Public Act 79-118 (Senate Bill 463« 79th 6.A.)

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1039. PENSIONS: participation of Clnxk*. of the circuit court la th« doneral Aesostbly Hotireonoit Syaton


  • IL Opinion S-965. ASSUMED NAME: Registration of Identical names

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-787OFFICERS.. OFFICERS:Corrupt Practices -Interest la Contracts


  • IL Opinion S-936. CONSTITUTION: Item Veto Power -Striking Language From An Appropriation Bill

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-502. LIQUOR:Authority of County Board Chairman as local liquor commissioner

  • May 20, 2020

  • AGO 20-002

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion 85-004. COMMERCIAL LAW AND CONTRACTS Authority of Joliet Regional Port District to Consummate Purchase of Airport Without Referendum Approval


  • IL Opinion 06-003. FINANCE:Authority of Illinois Student Assistance Commission to Sell its Entire Loan Portfolio Without Approval of the General Assembly

  • IL Opinion S-1074. UNIVERSITIES AHD COLLEGES: Approval of cosmtunlty College Sites by Capital Development Board.

  • IL Opinion 08-003. PUBLIC HEALTH:Relocation of a "Retail Tobacco Store"under the Smoke Free Illinois Act

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1240. COUNTIES : Election Judges

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-986. BANKS AND BANKING: Foreign Banking office Act

  • January 01, 1987

  • IL Opinion 87-007. CONSTITUTION: Proper Year for Automatic Submission of the Question of Whether to Call a Constitutional Convention

  • January 01, 1992

  • IL Opinion 92-017. BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: Calculation of Paid-In Capital Following Vertical Merger of Corporations


  • IL Opinion S-1384. HIGHWAYS:Responsibility For Maintenance of Rejected Subdivision Streets

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1337. Authority of Boards of Review alla the Property Tax Appeal Board