Rules of the United States District Courts

United States District Court Rules for the Central District of Illinois


Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 951

January 01, 2023

  • Appendix to Rules [Details]

  • January 01, 2011

  • Appendix 1. Appendix to Rules

  • January 01, 2015

  • Appendix 1. Appendix to Rules

  • January 01, 2010

  • Appendix 1. Appendix to Rules

  • January 01, 2015

  • Rule 5.10. Sealed Cases, Documents For In Camera Review, and Ex Parte Documents

  • Rule 5.11. Privacy

  • Rule 6.1. Extensions of Time

  • Rule 7.1. Motions

  • Rule 8.1. Social Security Cases: Review Under 42 U.s.c. Section 405(g)

  • Rule 8.2. Rule On Post-conviction Proceedings In Capital Punishment Cases Pursuant to 28 Usc Sections 2254 and 2255

  • Rule 11.1. Telephone Number On Pleadings

  • Rule 11.2. Designation of Lead Counsel On Initial Pleading

  • Rule 11.3. Certificate of Interest

  • Rule 11.4. Electronic Signatures

  • Rule 16.1. Pretrial Procedures

  • Rule 16.2. Scheduling Conference and Order

  • Rule 16.3. Pretrial Procedures In Prisoner and Detainee Cases

  • Rule 16.4. Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Rule 26.2. Implementation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26

  • Rule 26.3. Filing of Discovery Or Disclosure Materials

  • Rule 30.1. Scheduling of Depositions

  • Rule 33.1. Interrogatories

  • Rule 37.3. Discovery

  • Rule 38.1. Equitable Relief Or Jury Demand

  • Rule 40.1. Assignment of Cases and Place of Filing

  • Rule 42.1. Consolidation and Transfer of Related Cases

  • Rule 45.1. Issuance of Blank Subpoenas

  • Rule 47.2. Communications With Jurors

  • Rule 47.3. Conduct Before the Jury

  • Rule 48.1. Number of Jurors

  • Rule 51.1. Proposed Instructions to Jury

  • Rule 54.1. Requests For Attorneys Fees and Bills of Costs

  • Rule 67.2. Investment of Registry Funds

  • Rule 72.1. United States Magistrate Judges

  • Rule 79.1. Custody and Disposition of Models and Exhibits

  • Rule 72.2. Review and Appeal From Magistrate Judges

  • Rule 79.2. Access to Records and Papers

  • Rule 83.9. Court Reporting Fees

  • Rule 83.10. Standing Committees

  • Rule 83.11. Transmission of Pleadings By Facsimile Not Allowed

  • Rule 83.12. Advance Payment of Fees

  • Rule 83.13. Payment of Costs In Actions By Poor Persons

  • Rule 83.14. Assessment of Jury Costs

  • Rule 83.15. District Court Fund

  • Rule 83.16. Production and Disclosure of Documents and Testimony of Judicial Personnel In Legal Proceedings

  • Rule 12.1. Pleadings and Motions

  • Rule 16.1. Rule For Pretrial Discovery and Inspection

  • Rule 16.2. Rule For Use of Pretrial Discovery Materials In Criminal Cases

  • January 01, 2018

  • Rule 12.1. Pleadings and Motions

  • January 01, 2023

  • Rule 83.9. Court Reporting Fees