Hawai’i Office of Information Practices Formal Opinion Letters

from January 01, 1990
Last Document: January 01, 2013

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 334

January 01, 1997

  • Opinion 96-03, Access to Deputy Attorney General Timesheets. Access to Deputy Attorney General Timesheets

  • Opinion 97-04, Nordic/PCL's Subcontracts for the Convention Center Are Confidential. Nordic/PCL's Subcontracts for the Convention Center Are Confidential

  • January 01, 1994

  • Opinion 94-12, Mug Shots Are Public Records. Mug Shots Are Public Records

  • January 01, 1992

  • Opinion 92-01, Department of Public Safety’s Standards of Conduct. Department of Public Safety’s Standards of Conduct

  • Opinion 92-02, East-West Center. East-West Center

  • January 01, 2008

  • Opinion 08-01, Council Member Participation at Committee Meetings When Not Assigned to Committee. Council Member Participation at Committee Meetings When Not Assigned to Committee

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 09-02, Protests Filed on Request for Proposals. Protests Filed on Request for Proposals

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 91-01, Massage Therapist License Applications. Massage Therapist License Applications

  • Opinion 90-40, HFDC Arbitration Awards. HFDC Arbitration Awards

  • Opinion 90-36, Building Code Violation Notices. Building Code Violation Notices

  • January 01, 1995

  • Opinion 94-14, Green Coffee Beans Importation Records Public. Green Coffee Beans Importation Records Public

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 91-03, Police Department Standards of Conduct. Police Department Standards of Conduct

  • January 01, 1993

  • Opinion 93-02, UH Campus Law Enforcement Records. UH Campus Law Enforcement Records

  • January 01, 2012

  • Opinion 12-01, Hawaii County Fire Department Records on Persons Rescued. Hawaii County Fire Department Records on Persons Rescued

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 90-38, Escheated Warrant Reports. Escheated Warrant Reports

  • January 01, 1993

  • Opinion 92-27, Minutes of Public Meetings. Minutes of Public Meetings

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 90-39, Employment Misconduct; Collective Bargaining. Employment Misconduct; Collective Bargaining

  • January 01, 1993

  • Opinion 92-26, Convention Center Authority’s Report. Convention Center Authority’s Report

  • January 01, 1990

  • Opinion 89-02, Executive Search Committee Report. Executive Search Committee Report

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 03-20, Oversight Committee for the First Circuit Family Court. Oversight Committee for the First Circuit Family Court

  • Opinion 04-01, Board Members Discussion of Official Business Outside of a Duly Noticed Meeting; E-Mail Communication. Board Members Discussion of Official Business Outside of a Duly Noticed Meeting; E-Mail Communication

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 07-08, Personal Information in Agency's Response to Audit Report. Personal Information in Agency's Response to Audit Report

  • January 01, 2010

  • Opinion 09-03, RICO Investigative Records. RICO Investigative Records

  • January 01, 2002

  • Opinion 01-04, Disclosure of Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Records. Disclosure of Sexual Harassment Complaint Investigation Records

  • Opinion 01-07, Maui County Charter. Maui County Charter

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 90-35, Declarations of Water Use; Electronic List. Declarations of Water Use; Electronic List

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 04-06, Disclosure of Court Abstracts. Disclosure of Court Abstracts

  • Opinion 04-09, Anonymous Testimony and Liability for Disclosure of Records Containing Defamatory Statements. Anonymous Testimony and Liability for Disclosure of Records Containing Defamatory Statements

  • Opinion 04-05, Honolulu Police Commission Records. Honolulu Police Commission Records

  • Opinion 04-04, Board Decisionmaking Outside of Open Meetings. Board Decisionmaking Outside of Open Meetings

  • January 01, 1999

  • Opinion 99-01, Disclosure of Employee Misconduct Records. Disclosure of Employee Misconduct Records

  • January 01, 2000

  • Opinion 99-08, Identities of Complainants to DLNR Harbor Staff. Identities of Complainants to DLNR Harbor Staff

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 03-16, Disclosure of University's Contract with Head Football Coach. Disclosure of University's Contract with Head Football Coach

  • January 01, 2005

  • Opinion 04-14, Briefing on Contested Cases and Executive Session to Protect Privacy. Briefing on Contested Cases and Executive Session to Protect Privacy

  • January 01, 2007

  • Opinion 07-02, Sufficiency of Agenda Re: Motions to Reconsider. Sufficiency of Agenda Re: Motions to Reconsider

  • January 01, 2004

  • Opinion 04-08, Lists of Voters. Lists of Voters

  • January 01, 1995

  • Opinion 94-27, UH Sexual Harassment Report Must Be Disclosed to Parties. UH Sexual Harassment Report Must Be Disclosed to Parties

  • January 01, 1991

  • Opinion 90-25, Firearm Permit Applications. Firearm Permit Applications

  • January 01, 1990

  • Opinion 89-05, Names and Occupations of Government Loan Recipients. Names and Occupations of Government Loan Recipients

  • January 01, 1999

  • Opinion 98-05, Honolulu Police Department Request for Opinion on The Honolulu Advertiser Request for Internal Affairs Reports. Honolulu Police Department Request for Opinion on The Honolulu Advertiser Request for Internal Affairs Reports

  • Opinion 99-03, DLNR Vessel Registration Application Forms. DLNR Vessel Registration Application Forms

  • January 01, 1997

  • Opinion 97-05, Access to Arrest History Information. Access to Arrest History Information

  • January 01, 1992

  • Opinion 91-12, Civil Rights Commission’s Access to Employment Service Records. Civil Rights Commission’s Access to Employment Service Records

  • Opinion 91-14, RFP Rating Sheets. RFP Rating Sheets

  • January 01, 2006

  • Opinion 06-01, Public Testimony. Public Testimony

  • January 01, 1993

  • Opinion 92-09, Demurrage Fee Report Forms and Invoices. Demurrage Fee Report Forms and Invoices

  • January 01, 1990

  • Opinion 89-16, Home Addresses and Home Telephone Numbers. Home Addresses and Home Telephone Numbers

  • January 01, 2003

  • Opinion 03-03, Judicial Selection Commission List of Nominees. Judicial Selection Commission List of Nominees

  • January 01, 1990

  • Opinion 89-13, Special Treatment Facility Information. Special Treatment Facility Information

  • January 01, 1995

  • Opinion 94-19, PSD’s Policy Not Public. PSD’s Policy Not Public