Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 347339

March 21, 2024

  • § 1-204.50. General and Special Funds [Formerly Section 47-130]

  • § 1-204.50a. Reserve Funds [Formerly Section 47-130.1]

  • § 1-204.50b. Comprehensive Financial Management Policy [Formerly Section 47-130.2]

  • § 1-204.51. Special Rules Regarding Certain Contracts [Formerly Section 1-1130]

  • § 1-204.52. Annual Budget For the Board of Education [Formerly Section 31-104]

  • § 1-204.53. Reductions In Budgets of Independent Agencies [Formerly Section 47-304.1]

  • § 1-204.55. District of Columbia Auditor [Formerly Section 47-117]

  • § 1-204.56a. Performance Accountability Plan [Formerly Section 47-231]

  • § 1-204.56b. Performance Accountability Report [Formerly Section 47-232]

  • § 1-204.56c. Five-Year Financial Plan and Report [Formerly Section 47-233]

  • § 1-204.56d. Financial and Budgetary Status Reports [Formerly Section 47-234]

  • § 1-204.56e. Additional Reports [Formerly Section 47-235]

  • § 1-204.61. Districts' Authority to Issue and Redeem General Obligation Bonds For Capital Projects [Formerly Section 47-321]

  • § 1-204.62. Contents of Borrowing Legislation and Elections On Issuing General Obligation Bonds [Formerly Section 47-322]

  • § 1-204.63. General Obligation Bonds [Formerly Section 47-323]

  • § 1-204.64. Short Period of Limitation [Formerly Section 47-324]

  • § 1-204.65. Issuance of General Obligation Bonds [Formerly Section 47-325]

  • § 1-204.66. Public Or Private Sale [Formerly Section 47-326]

  • § 1-204.67. Authority to Create Security Interests In District Revenues [Formerly Section 47-326.1]

  • § 1-204.71. Borrowing to Meet Appropriations [Formerly Section 47-327]

  • § 1-204.72. Borrowing In Anticipation of Revenues [Formerly Section 47-328]

  • § 1-204.73. Notes Redeemable Prior to Maturity [Formerly Section 47-329]

  • § 1-204.74. Sales of Notes [Formerly Section 47-330]

  • § 1-204.75. Bond Anticipation Notes [Formerly Section 47-330.1]

  • § 1-204.81. Special Tax [Formerly Section 47-331]

  • § 1-204.82. Full Faith and Credit of the District [Formerly Section 47-331.1]

  • § 1-204.83. Payment of the General Obligation Bonds and Notes [Formerly Section 47-331.2]

  • § 1-204.84. Full Faith and Credit of United States Not Pledged [Formerly Section 47-331.3]

  • § 1-204.85. Tax Exemption [Formerly Section 47-332]

  • § 1-204.86. Legal Investment [Formerly Section 47-333]

  • § 1-204.87. Water Pollution [Formerly Section 43-1615]

  • § 1-204.88. Cost of Reservoirs On Potomac River [Formerly Section 43-1553]

  • § 1-204.89. District's Contributions to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority [Formerly Section 1-2455]

  • § 1-204.90. Revenue Bonds and Other Obligations [Formerly Section 47-334]

  • § 1-204.91. Board of Elections Amendments [Omitted]

  • § 1-204.92. Zoning Commission Amendments [Omitted]

  • § 1-204.93. Public Service Commission [Formerly Section 43-402]

  • § 1-204.94. Armory Board Amendments [Omitted]

  • § 1-204.95. Board of Education [Formerly Sections 31-101(a), 31-102]

  • § 1-204.101. Definitions [Formerly Section 1-281]

  • § 1-204.102. Process [Formerly Section 1-282]

  • § 1-204.103. Submission of Measure At Election [Formerly Section 1-283]

  • § 1-204.104. Rejection of Measure [Formerly Section 1-284]

  • § 1-204.105. Approval of Measure [Formerly Section 1-285]

  • § 1-204.106. Short Title and Summary [Formerly Section 1-286]

  • § 1-204.107. Adoption of Acts to Carry Out Subpart [Formerly Section 1-287]

  • § 1-204.111. "Recall" Defined [Formerly Section 1-291]

  • § 1-204.112. Process [Formerly Section 1-292]

  • § 1-204.113. Time Limits On Initiation of Process [Formerly Section 1-293]

  • § 1-204.114. When Official Removed; Filling of Vacancies [Formerly Section 1-294]