Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 347340

  • Designation of official to issue citations or take money or bond

  • Hearing on recall of out-of-State witnesses by State courts; determination; travel allowance; penalty

  • Crime victims' rights at sentencing

  • Definitions

  • Applications for search warrants

  • Execution of search warrants

  • Disposition of property

  • Definitions

  • Inventory

  • Execution and return

  • Definitions

  • Manager; employment of additional personnel. [Repealed]

  • Disputes

  • Construction of duct lines authorized

  • Merger of street railways permitted

  • Contributory negligence no bar to recovery

  • Insurance contracts no bar to recovery

  • Commencement of action

  • Issuance of insurance policies by authorized company; bonds to be secured; reserves for losses, unearned premiums and other liabilities required; rules and regulations; conditions for cancellation of bonds and insurance policies. [Repealed]

  • Contents of petition

  • Board of Trustees of a public charter school

  • Employees

  • Healthy Steps Pediatric Primary Care Demonstration Program

  • March 21, 2024

  • § 1-101. Territorial Area

  • § 1-102. District Created Body Corporate For Municipal Purposes

  • § 1-103. Officers of Corporation

  • § 1-104. District As Successor Corporation

  • § 1-105. Former Corporation Continued For Certain Purposes

  • § 1-106. Records of Former Corporations and of Levy Court Made Property of District of Columbia

  • § 1-107. "Limits of City of Washington" Defined; Georgetown Abolished; General Laws of Washington Extended to Former Georgetown

  • § 1-108. Name of Uniontown Changed to Anacostia

  • § 1-109. Liability

  • § 1-171. District of Columbia Official Flag

  • § 1-172. Inclusion of "DC" and "No Taxation Without Representation" Within District of Columbia Flag

  • § 1-173. Flag Design Advisory Commission

  • § 1-174. Use of Donations and Grants For Flag Replacement

  • § 1-121. Purpose [Formerly Section 1-111]

  • § 1-122. Questions to Be Presented to Electors [Formerly Section 1-112]

  • § 1-123. Call of Convention; Duties of Convention; Adoption of Constitution; Rejection of Constitution; Election of Senator and Representative [Formerly Section 1-113]

  • § 1-124. Composition of Convention; Election of Delegate Candidates; Compensation; Office Space; Appropriations [Formerly Section 1-114]

  • § 1-125. Statehood Commission [Formerly Section 1-115]

  • § 1-126. Statehood Compact Commission [Formerly Section 1-116]

  • § 1-127. Appropriations [Formerly Section 1-117]

  • § 1-128. Severability [Formerly Section 1-118]

  • § 1-129.01. Definitions

  • § 1-129.02. Establishment of the District of Columbia Statehood Delegation Fund Commission; Purpose; Fiscal Year

  • § 1-129.03. Commissioners

  • § 1-129.04. Meetings of the Commission

  • § 1-129.05. Officers and Employees

  • § 1-129.06. Limitations On Actions; Representation By Attorney General of the District of Columbia