Zantsi v Chairman, Council of State, Ciskei, and Others
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Core Citations
This document cites
Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales
Clark (C. & J.) Ltd v Commissioners of Inland Revenue
Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher
Harris and Others v Minister of the Interior and Another
Matiso v Commanding Officer, Port Elizabeth Prison, and Another
See all quotations
Podlas v Cohen and Bryden NNO and Others
Matinkinca and Another v Council of State, Republic of Ciskei, and Another
S v Majavu
S v Marwane
African National Congress (Border Branch) and Another v Chairman, Council of State of the Republic of Ciskei, and Another
De Kock en 'n Ander v Prokureur-Generaal, Transvaal
Mandela v Minister of Prisons
Rudolph and Another v Commissioner for Inland Revenue and Others NNO
Guzana v Council of State, Republic of Ciskei
Rex v McChlery
Bux v Officer Commanding, Pietermaritzburg Prison, and Others
Bongopi v Chairman, Ciskei Council of State, and Others
S v Tuhadeleni and Others
Ntenteni v Chairman, Ciskei Council of State, and Another
Masuku and Another v State President and Others
Van Aswegen v Lombard
Bongopi v Chairman of the Council of State, Ciskei, and Others
Cabinet of the Transitional Government for the Territory of South West Africa v Eins