Wright and Others, v Bell
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Wright and Others, v Bell
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Core Citations
- Austin v Dwyer (special witness proceeding)
- HMG3 Ltd v Suzanne Dunn (Executrix of the Estate of George Dunn, Deceased)
- London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Derek Naris
- Circuit Court in Nowy Sacz (Poland) v Wilk
- Jane Doe v XYZ
- Naik v Monash University
- Re Tucker; Nunan v Aylward
- Gwardys v R
- Liam David Bennett v R
- Pawlowski v Regional Court in Konin (Poland)
- HGC Properties Pty Ltd
- Klomfar v R
- Lavery v DPP
- Boss Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd v Rohrig (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Hayes v Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- Balach v Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Dickson
- R v Magro
- Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) v Banks
- Darren Brown (a pseudonym) v R (No 2)
- R Residents Local to Elmbank v Woking Borough Council
- R v DPP, ex parte Lee
- Promontoria (Arrow) Ltd v Dineen
- Leblique v Iarnród Éireann
- Cornelius Minihane v Skellig Fish Ltd
- B.L. v Governor of Castlerea Prison
- R.T. v Child and Family Agency
- H.F.A. (Pakistan) v International Protection Office
- Da Cruzier v Rosas Construtores S.A.
- O'Donohue v AIB Mortgage Bank Plc
- Lavery v DPP [No 2]
- Secretary of State for the Home Department v AB (Jamaica) and AO (Nigeria)
- Coyne v Danske Bank
- The Crown Prosecution Service v Aquila Advisory Ltd
- Callaghan v an Bord Pleanála
- Keep the Horton General (acting by Keith Strangwood) v Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- R v M J L
- Olga Olita Sellers v Artem Podstreshnyy
- R AD (by his mother and litigation friend LH) and Others v London Borough of Hackney
- Purcell v Governor of Mountjoy Prison
- DPP v Carraher
- Lee Qualter Commercial Reduction Services Ltd v The Crown Court at Preston
- Boland v Valuation Tribunal
- Dowling v Bord Altranais agus Cnaimhseachais na hÉireann
- B.W. v The Child and Family Agency
- Point Village Development Ltd ((in Receivership)) v Dunnes Stores
- Allied Irish Banks Plc v McQuaid
- Foley v Johnson
- R.B.(Bangladesh) v The Minister for Justice and Equality
- Moala v Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Australia (Victoria) Inc.
- Trang v Governor of The Dóchas Centre
- Farrell v Law Society of Ireland
- M.I. (Pakistan) v Minister for Justice and Equality
- McCarthy v Sheerin
- BV Nederlandse Industrie Van Eiprodukten v Rembrandt Enterprises, Inc.
- Callaghan v an Bord Pleanála
- Permanent TSB Plc formerly Irish Life & Permanent Plc
- M.K.L. v Minister for justice and Equality
- Flanagan v The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform
- McGarry v O'Brien
- H.A.A. (Nigeria) v Minister for Justice and Equality
- Harrington v Gulland Property Finance Ltd No.2
- Smith v Ireland
- R v AJ
- St. Margaret's Concerned Residents Group v Dublin Airport Authority Plc
- Bita v DPP
- Noone v Residentail Tenancies Board
- G v The Child and Family Agency
- S.O.T.A. (A Minor) v The Child and Family Agency
- Downey v The Council of The King's Inn
- DPP v Murray
- Kampff v Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform
- P.H. v DPP
- Medical Council v T.M.
- Gao v The Commissioner of an Garda Síochána
- Y.Y. v Minister for Justice and Equality
- E.Q. v The International Protection Appeals Tribunal
- F & C Reit Property Asset Management Plc v Friends First Managed Pension Funds Ltd
- Re McInerney Homes Ltd
- Tyrrell v Wright
- DPP v McDonnell
- Gibb v Promontoria (Aran) Ltd
- Kelly Glass v Natasha Porter
- Board of Management of St. Marnock's National School v Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills
- ACC Loan Management Ltd v Rickard
- S.A. (Ghana and South Africa) v The International Protection Appeals Tribunal
- Artisan Glass Studio Ltd v Liffey Trust Ltd
- Law Society of Ireland v Tobin
- M.A. (Pakistan) v The Governor of Cloverhill Prison; M.A. (Pakistan) v The Minister for Justice and Equality
- McCaughey Homes Ltd v Louth County Council
- Usk and District Residents Associations Ltd v The Environmental Protection Agency
- Alan Bates and Others v Post Office Ltd
- Walker v Leonach
- DN v Chief Appeals Officer
- Collins v Griffiths
- DPP v P.O'D
- Stakem v Wicklow County Council
- Lavery v DPP No. 3; Lavery v A Judge of the District Court
- M.K.F.S. (Pakistan) v The Minister for Justice and Equality
- Word Perfect Translation Services Ltd v The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform
- Coleman v Mythen Construction Ltd
- Sheehan v Breccia
- O'Brien v DPP
- Revenue Commissioners v O'Farrell
- Allied Irish Banks Plc v Flood
- J.A.(Pakistan) v The Minister for Justice and Equality
- Nazir v Anwar
- Z.S. v The Refugee Appeals Tribunal
- Byrne v Stryker Ireland Ltd
- O'Donnell v Coffey
- McGuire v Ulster Bank Ireland Ltd
- Congil Construction Ltd ((in Liquidation)) v Kitt
- Omara v Minister for Justice and Equality
- DK v GY
- Governor and Company of The Bank of Ireland v McMahon
- Fitzgerald v Ó'Donnabháin
- Launceston Property Finance Ltd v Burke
- A.M. v S.McG
- Harrington v Enviromental Protection Agency
- Child and Family Agency v S.L.
- Emerald Isle Insurance and Investments Ltd v Dorgan
- Astra Asset Management UK v The Co-operative Bank Plc
- R.K.A. v P.T.P.
- Kilty v Judge Cormac Dunne
- B.K. (Albania) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal
- Ryan v Minister for Justice and Equality
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland v OCM
- Walsh v Governor of Wheatfield Place of Dentention
[See more]