Van Niekerk v Pretoria City Council
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Core Citations
This document cites
Qozeleni v Minister of Law and Order and Another
Nortje and Another v Attorney-General, Cape, and Another
S v Zuma and Others
Directory Advertising Cost Cutters v Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Broadcasting and Others
Khala v Minister of Safety and Security
See all quotations
Nortje and Another v Attorney-General, Cape, and Another
Jeeva and Others v Receiver of Revenue, Port Elizabeth, and Others
Khala v Minister of Safety and Security
Shabalala v Attorney-General, Transvaal and Another; Gumede and Others v Attorney-General, Transvaal
Shabalala and Others v Attorney-General, Transvaal, and Another
Shabalala v Attorney-General, Transvaal, and Another; Gumede and Others v Attorney-General, Transvaal
Qozeleni v Minister of Law and Order and Another
S v Zuma and Others
Shabalala and Others v Attorney-General of Transvaal and Another
Minister of the Interior v MacHadodorp Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another
More v Minister of Co-Operation and Development and Another
Van Huyssteen and Others NNO v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others