A v Governor of Arbour Hill Prison
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Core Citations
R (AFP Smith) v Wakefield Magistrates Court
Edward O'Sullivan (application for Habeas Corpus)
R v Jawad (Mohid)
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Wansboro v DPP
Barry Sheehan Practising Under the Style of Barry Sheehan, Solicitor v Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
DPP v Buck
Graham Gordon For Judicial View
Foley v Governor of Portaloise Prison
Dowling v an Bord Altranais
Buck v Governor of Portlaoise Prison
Fingleton v Central Bank of Ireland
Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Ltd and Others v I.A.
Naisiúnta Léictreach Contraitheoir Éireann Coideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaoichta v The Labour Court, The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland and the Attorney General
MINISTER for JUSTICE v TOBIN [High Court, Supreme Court]
North East Pylon Pressure Campaign Ltd v an Bord Pleanála No.5
M v The Minister for Foreign Affairs
Casey v DPP
Min for Justice v O'Connor
A.B. v The Clinical Director of St. Loman's Hospital
Dokie v DPP (Garda Morley) and Others
Blehein v Minster for Health and Children
M.H. v Minister for Justice and Equality
DPP v Liam Bolger
R.L. v The Clinical Director of St. Brendan's Hospital
McKevitt v DPP
Thomas Murphy v Ireland and Others
DPP v Raymond Gormley and Others
Murphy v Governor of Mountjoy Prison (Training Unit); Carberry v Governor of Mountjoy Prison
Murphy v Governor of Mountjoy (The Training Unit)
Ryan v DPP
DPP v Rattigan
Re Article 40.4.2 of the Constitution: Brien Applicant
Naisiúnta Léictreach Contraitheoir Éireann Coideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaoichta v The Labour Court, The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland and the Attorney General
Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha v an Taire Talmhaíochta, Éire agus an Tard Aighne
Tomás Heneghan v The Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government and Others
Richard Joseph Coubrough's Executrix V. Her Majesty's Advocate
Re Article 40.4.2 of the Constitution: Doolan Applicant
Gordon v Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (Scotland)
Serious Organised Crime Agency v Amir Azam and Others
BCFK Holdings Pty Ltd v Rork Projects Pty Ltd (No 2)
[See more]
Oliver Barry v Mr Justice Fergus Flood and Others
Michael Mckevitt v DPP
Keith Willis v Anthony Murphy and Others
Q (J) v Presiding Judge of Dublin Circuit Criminal Court and Others
Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank v Anne Keating
FX v Clinical Director of the Central Mental Hospital and Another (No 1)
Minister for Justice and Equality v Fassih
Peter Cadder Appellant
Minister for Justice & Equality v Klubikowski
Jean Pierre Bestel and Others v R
P v Judges of the Circuit Court
Tomás Heneghan v The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, the Government of Ireland, the Attorney General and Ireland
Minister for Justice and Equality v Bailey
Minister for Justice and Equality v Bailey
Barlow and Others v The Minister for Communications, Marine & Natural Resources and Others
Wansboro v DPP
Senator Ivana Bacik v an Taoiseach
Seán McManus v The Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
DPP v Cunningham
Reilly v Judge Michael Pattwell
Tomás Heneghan v The Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government, The Government of Ireland and the Attorney General
DPP v Hughes
DPP v Kavanagh
Carter v Minister for Education and Skills
Anthony Kelly v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Tallon v DPP
Ammi Burke v an Adjudication Officer the Workplace Relations Commission
Fulham v Chadwicks Ltd
Minister for Justice and Equality v Orlowski
M.C. v The Legal Aid Board
Ulster Bank Ireland Ltd v Brid Kavanagh t/a Barony B&B
M.H. v Minister for Justice and Equality
Jakub Kedzierski v DPP
Conolly v Commissioner of an Garda Síochána and Others
S.M. v Mental Health Commission
Lennon v Cork City Council
Wolda Salamma Gardner v The Director of Public Prosecutions
Caffrey and Others v Minister for Justice and Others
T.K. and J.B. v Ireland and Another
Used Car Importers of Ireland v The Minister for Finance and Others
Kathleen Rochford v WPC Cupid (now Bailey) No.18752,
Frank Sinkovich v The Honourable Justice Megan Latham
S (I)(A Minor) & S (A)(A Minor) v Min for Justice and Others
Kovacs v Governor of Mountjoy Women's Prison
Hooper Dolan Financial Ltd v Financial Services Ombudsman and Others
Martin Harrington v Environmental Protection Agency and Another
Allen v The Governor of St Patrick's Institution
Dunnes Stores v Revenue Commissioners and Others
Wolda Salamma Gardner v The Director of Public Prosecutions
The Governor and Company of The Bank of Ireland v McNeela
Peter Cadder Appellant
Naisiunta Leictreach Contraitheoir Eireann v The Labour
DPP v Banks
Cunningham v Galvin and Others
Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha v an Taire Talmhaíochta, Éire agus an Tard Aighne
Clonres CLG v an Bord Pleanála
Flynn and Others v The Commissioner of an Garda Síochána and Another
Ooi v Ireland and Others