Tomasz Zalewski v The Workplace Relations Commission, an Adjudication Officer [Y], Ireland and the Attorney General
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Core Citations
Costello v The Government of Ireland, Ireland, and The Attorney General
Tomás Heneghan v The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, the Government of Ireland, the Attorney General and Ireland
Tomasz Zalewski v an Adjudication Officer, The Workplace Relations Commission, Ireland and the Attorney General
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M. v Health Service Executive (Cervicalcheck Tribunal Act 2019)
Patrick Costello v The Government of Ireland, Ireland and The Attorney General
Seán McManus v The Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
R.A. v The Minister for Justice
Naisiúnta Léictreach Contraitheoir Éireann Coideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaoichta v The Labour Court, The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland and the Attorney General
F.P. v International Prtoection Appeals Tribunal
An Bord Banistíochta, Gaelscoil Moshíológ v The Department of Education and Others
An Bord Banistíochta, Gaelscoil Moshíológ v The Department of Education and Others
EPUK Investments Ltd v Environmental Protection Agency
Maurice Power v Health Service Executive
Ammi Burke v an Adjudication Officer the Workplace Relations Commission
Ammi Burke v an Adjudication Officer the Workplace Relations Commission
N. Hakan Erdogan v Workplace Relations Commission
Bowes v The Criminal Injuires Compensation Tribunal ; Brophy v The Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal
Joseph Sheehan v Talos Capital Ltd
Gogova v The Residential Tenancies Board and Others
G.A. v The International Protection Appeals Tribunal
G.A. v International Protection Appeals Tribunal
Samuel Van Eeden v The Medical Council, Ireland and The Attorney General
McLoughlin v Murray Senior
George McLoughlin v The Labour Court
McGrath v Director of Public Prosecutions and Others; Mulreany v Director of Public Prosecutions and Others
Ulster Bank Ireland DAC v Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman
Naisiúnta Léictreach Contraitheoir Éireann Coideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaoichta v The Labour Court, The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland and the Attorney General
Medical Council v B
Burke v an Adjudicator Officer and Another
Burke v Adjudication Officer and Another
Michael John Sheill v The Medical Council of Ireland
Morgan v The Labour Court ; Morgan v Minister for Education and Skills
Mulreaney v Director of Public Prosecutions and Others, McGrath v Director of Public Prosecutions and Others
Morgan v The Labour Court and Others
Delaney v The Personal Injuries Board and Others
DPP v Banks