Thomas Busk port Replevin envers Alexander Frencham, Company en que le Case fuit
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Thomas Busk port Replevin envers Alexander Frencham, Company en que le Case fuit
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Core Citations
- SSN(Applicant) v R (Crown)
- Adam Wayne Budrodeen(Applicant) v R
- R(Applicant) v Maurice Van Ryn
- SV(Appellant) v The Queen (Crown)
- The Queen (on the application of the Attorney-General of the State of Victoria) v Lupco Slaveski (by his litigation guardian Tania Slaveski)
- Joseph Stephen Rosenburg(Applicant) v R
- Kim v Angus Developments Pty Ltd
- Dudding and Others v Gauss and Others
- Kevin Beasley(Applicant) v The Queen
- Linh Anh Trinh(Appellant) v The Queen
- Steven Kremisis(Applicant) v R
- Carmelo Adriano Mastronardo v Commonwealth Bank of Australia trading as BankWest
- Nillumbik Shire Council(Applicant) v Victorian YMCA Community Programming Pty Ltd
- Van Yen Nguyen(Appellant) v The Queen
- Mohgamat Hendricks (Plaintiff) v Walid El-Dik ((First Defendant))
- PFC (Applicant)
- The Queen(Crown) v Kevin Pahl (Offender)
- The Queen(Crown) v Marcus Rappel (Offender)
- Legal Practitioner(First Plaintiff) v Council of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory
- Van Thi Hong Nguyen(Appellant) v The Queen
- The Queen(Crown) v Josaia Vosikata (Offender)
- The Queen(Crown) v XT (Offender)
- The Queen(Crown) v Syed Naqvi (Offender)
- Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia v 4 Doonan Street Collinsville Pty Ltd (in Liquidation)
- Jb v R (No 2)
- Siwek v R
- LCM Litigation Fund Pty Ltd v Coope
- Michael McDonald(Applicant) v Colin Dods
- M'Donald and Another v M'Donald
- Edliban Sahin(Applicant) v Victorian Workcover Authority
- The Queen (Crown) v Michael Ngerengere
- Ammar Chahal(Applicant) v R (Crown)
- Sharon Ann Stott(Appellant) v The Queen
- The Queen (Crown) v Matthew Shaun McGrail (Accused)
- Jason Arthur Monaghan(Plaintiff) v Australian Capital Territory
- British Linen Company v Caledonian Insurance Company
- Curtin v O'Keeffe
- Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (Plaintiff) v Garry Bonaccorso
- Nominal Defendant(Appellant) v Ronald Dowedeit
- R v Pain
- R(Applicant Crown) v Bowden Owen Barker
- Commonwealth of Australia ((First Applicant)) v Davis Samuel Pty Ltd ((First Respondent))
- The Queen (Crown) v David Celeski
- Herijanto v Refugee Review Tribunal
- R v Price
- Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Jared Samuel Brown
- Brenton Morgan v The Queen
- Fss Trustee Corporation (ACN 118 202 672) v Garry Robert Eastaugh (First Respondent)
- Garry Baines v R
- R(Applicant) v ND
- Bilal Elzamtar(Applicant) v Crown
- S(Applicant) v R (Child)
- Insurance Australia Ltd t/as NRMA Insurance v Pate
- R v Farhad Qaumi
- Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales(Plaintiff) v Meryem Ozlem Ceren
- Children's Guardian(Plaintiff) v BQP
- State of New South Wales (Plaintiff) v Allan Troy Hill
- Colin Francis Joss(Plaintiff) v Crowe Horwath (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Tochukwu Richard Ojeh(Applicant) v Crown
- R v Farhad Qaumi
- David John Singh(Plaintiff) v Darran Harsewan Singh (First Defendant)
- Commissioner of Australian Federal Police(Plaintiff) v Robert Francis Agius
- Secretary, New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services(Plaintiff) v O'D
- P.T. Ltd(First Plaintiff) v NB2 Pty Ltd (First Defendant)
- Raymond Roberts(Applicant) v Michael John Morris Smith in his capacity as official liquidator of Randle Edge Pty Ltd ((in Liquidation))
- The Queen v Jarrod Mitchell
- Robert Savellis(Plaintiff) v Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd (1st Defendant)
- R(Applicant) v Witness M
- R v Farhad Qaumi
- Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police (Plaintiff) v Robert Francis Agius
- Secretary, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, by his delegate, Principal Officer, Adoptions, Barnardos Australia(plaintiff) v JHK and MHK
- Thiess Pty Ltd v Dobbins Contracting Pty Ltd
- R (Crown) v Glen Patrick McNamara (Accused)
- Director of Public Prosecutions v Charlie Dalgliesh (A Pseudonym)1
- State of New South Wales(Plaintiff) v Kevin Todd Fernando
- Balogun v Minister for Justice
- Justin Bullock v R
- Glorney v O'Brien
- Fitzgerald v Commissioner of an Garda Síochána
- Young (or Richardson) et Al v Robertson et Al, and Young and Another v Robertson et Al
- The Crown v Haydar Haydar
- Aaron Dunshea(Applicant) v R (Respondent Crown)
- The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police(Plaintiff) v Adam Michael Cranston and Ors (Defendants 1–58)
- Tully v R
- Raelene Hardie(Applicant) v The Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd (First Respondent)
- DPP v Gilligan
- Xu Lin(Applicant) v R (Crown)
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia(Plaintiff/ First Cross-Defendant) v Shirley Ann Goater (First Defendant/ Cross-Claimant)
- Dyers v R
- Coventry v Charter Pacific Corporation Ltd
- Djuro Ukropina(Applicant) v R (Respondent Crown)
- David William Young v The Queen
- Stephen MacKfall v Gordon and Kathryn Beattie Hc Wn
- Pongi v R Coa
- Keenan v The United Kingdom
- Riddiford v Masterton District Council
- R v Easton
- Kenneth William Thurston v Tawera Land Company Ltd Hc Pmn
- Lal's Transport Ltd v Auckland Council
- Wyatt v The Real Estate Agents Authority
- Reginald Anthony Hole v David Warwick Snedden Hc Ak
- De Vries v Minister for Land Information
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council v Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd and Another (Decision).doc (rp)
- Te Runanga o Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust and Others v Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- E A Stacey Owens Transport Ltd v The Auckland Council
- Southland Indoor Leisure Centre Charitable Trust v Invercargill City Council
- Creswick Valley Residents Association Inc. v Wellington City Council
- Ponniah and Kahukiwa v Palmer and Van Dijk
- Sharko and Others v Weathertight Homes Tribunal
- Mahomed v R
- Heybridge Developments Ltd v Bay of Plenty Regional Council Hc Tau
- B v The Chief Executive of The Ministry of Social Development Hc Wn
- The Director of Civil Aviation v Air National Corporate Ltd
- Vasivasi Faitala v Terranova Homes & Care Ltd
- Archer v New Zealand Historic Places Trust
- S and K v The Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development
- Waikato Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. v Hamilton City Council Hc Ham
- Victoria v Tatts Group Ltd
- Ranger v The Great Western Ry Company et Al, et è Con
- Maxwell Cecial Dietrich (Plaintiff) v Albert Neil Denning (First Defendant)
- Md Petitioner v Ed Respondent
- The Queen v Ron Christopher Douglas
- The Queen v Shankino William Ebanks
- The Queen v Tamara Olita Butler
- The Queen v Andre Penn
- Devon Harris v E & R Hardware Ltd
- Allen (Paul) v R
- Traille Caribbean Ltd v Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd (Trading as Lime)
- Dyoll Goup Ltd, Dyoll Insurance Company Ltd and Dyoll Caribbean Financial Services Ltd v Neal & Massey Group Ja Ltd, Hugh Hart, Charles Vendryes, Vincent Chen, Peter Millingen, Howard Mitchell. Michael Matthews, Thalia Lyn and Ian Murray
- Sheldon Dabreo v Stevens Yacht Inc.; Octave Williams
- Foster (Donna) v Carlton Clarke and Denston Hinds
- Kieran v Dublin Port Company
- Environmental Defence Society Incorporated v The New Zealand King Salmon Company Ltd
- Denton Lewis v Andconstable Donald Dingwall
- Cairnwood Global Technology Fund, Ltd (in Voluntary Liquidation) Plaintiff v (1) Lane P Pendleton (2) Kirk P Pendleton (3) Thayer B Pendleton (4) Laird P Pendleton (5) Timothy P Lundberg (6) Nadia Aouad (7) Jean Marc Dubois (8) Cairnwood Group, LLC (9) Cairnwood Capital Management, LLC Defendants
- The Queen v Christopher Julian Myles James Herbert Mclean Jonathan Mark Ramoon (IND. No. 0006/14)
- Dublin Heating Company Ltd v Hefferon
- Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd ((in Liquidation)) Plaintiff v (1) Stefan Peterson (2) Hans Ekstrom Defendants
- DPP v Crinnion
- Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands Appellant/Defendant v Axis International Ltd Respondent/Plaintiff/ Cayman Islands Helicopters Ltd Appellant/Defendant Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands Appellant/Defendant v Axis International Ltd Respondent/Plaintiff
- The State v John Charles
- Scott Hauser (Executorl of the estate of Richard Hauser, deceased) Carol Hauser Claimants v National Bank of Anguilla Ltd Defendant [ECSC]
- Valentine Winifred Administratrix of the Estate of Her Minor Daughter Nicole Pierre (Deceased) Claimant v Mr. Joseph Charles Principal of Mongouge Combined School, Choiseul Minister of Education, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports Attorney General Defendants [ECSC]
- Clinton Belfon Claimant v [1] CPL #48 Alex Fletcher [2] PC # 295 Quintana Ogilvie [3] PC #164 Lewan John [4] Attorney General of Grenada Defendants [ECSC]
- Rodney Jacob Plaintiff v Stanislaus Modeste Defendant [ECSC]
- [1] Carmillus Emmanuel [2] Cecelia John (Administratrix and Co-Administratrix respectively in the Estate of Jasmine Emmanuel, deceased) Applicants/Claimants v [1] Ronald Punnet [2] Harold Kier First and Second Defendants [3] Kendrick Scarborough Respondent/Third Defendant Dorna Hackshaw Claimant v [1] Kendrick Scarborough Respondent/Defendant/Ancillary Claimant [2] Ornald Samuel First Ancillary Defendant [3] Josette Tommy Second Ancillary Defendant [ECSC]
- Kaim Sexius Claimant v Attorney General of Saint Lucia Defendant [ECSC]
- Evan Ernest Davis Petitioner v Nicolander Davis Respondent [ECSC]
- Emma Hippolyte Applicant v Attorney General Respondent [ECSC]
- The Queen v Courtney Anthony Samuel Defendant
- Robert Allen Stanford Appellant v [1] Stanford International Bank Ltd ((in Liquidation)) (Acting by and through its Joint Liquidators, Marcus A Wide and Hugh Dickson) Respondent [2] Andrea Stoelker [3] Stanford Development Company Ltd [4] Maiden Island Holdings Ltd [5] Gilbert Resort Development Holdings Ltd [6] Stanford Hotel Properties Ltd Defendants
- Elwardo Lynch Appellant v Commissioner of Police Respondent [ECSC]
- Devon Mitchell Appellant v The Queen Respondent [ECSC]
- Mervyn Moise Appellant v The Queen Respondent [ECSC]
- The State v Wilson Wade
- [1] Laureen James [2] Cherita Clarke [3] Merle Llburd Appellants/Respondents v Wingrove George Respondent/Applicant [ECSC]
- Aliethea Dickson Applicant v Devon Alexander Executrix of the Will of Ermine Alexander Deceased Respondent
- Emma Hlppolyte Applicant v Attorney General Respondent [ECSC]
- Fitzroy Jarvis Appellant v The Queen Respondent [ECSC]
- Nancy Jaleel (by her Attorney Kayam Jaleel) Applicant v Michael John Respondent [ECSC]
- 1) The Chief of Police 2) Attorney General of Saint Christopher and Nevis v Calvin Nias
- Barbados Rediffusion Service Ltd Applicant v Asha Mirchandani Ram Mirchandani McDonald Farms Ltd Respondents
- Corlins Small Applicant v Peter Small Respondent
- Odel Adams Attorney General for Montserrat Plaintiff/Appellant v Nellie Arthurton Beverly Bramble Ronnie Cooper Glenfield Griffith Candice O'Garro Inez O'Garro John Skerritt Veronica Walker Defendants/Respondents John Dublin [ECSC]
- June Cornwall Claimant v Simon Crooke Defendant [ECSC]
- Andrea Lisando Claimant v (1) Bernard Richardson (2) Lorna Gumbs Scott Defendants
- Ronald Fraser Claimant v Joe Dalrimple First Defendant Vere Bird Second Defendant Lester Bird Third Defendant Hendy Simon Fourth Defendant Steadroy Benjamin Fifth Defendant Rodney Williams Sixth Defendant Lewellyn Smith Seventh Defendant [ECSC]
- Kenute Lynch Appellant v The Queen Respondent
- [1] Avaline O'garro [2] Janice Richey [3] Maurice O'garro Claimants v [1] Neil Ross [2] Arthur's Transport & or Heavy Equipment Rental Company Ltd Defendants [ECSC]
- Yvette Barnwell-wickham Claimant v Harley Cambridge Defendant [ECSC]
- The Registered Land Act, Revised Statutes of Anguilla Chapter R 30 Section 147 v Appeals by Collins Richardson, Carolyn Richardson (Administrator of the Estate of John Samuel Richardson; Boswell Richardson; Calvin Richardson; Leslie Richardson (Administrator of the Estate of Alma Richardson; Marge Hughes (Administrator of the Estate of Evangeline Hughes; Estell Hughes Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Benjamin Richardson; Calvin Richardson (Administrator of the Estate of Victor Richardson; Robert Austin Richardson (Administrator of the Estate of Eneria Richardson; Royston Richardson (Administrator of the Estate of James Richardson; Oliver MacDonna (Administrator of the Estate of Jane Rebecca Richardson; Sybil Rhymer (Administrator of the Estate of Flor
- St. Clair Investments Ltd First Claimant KFC (St. Vincent) Ltd Second Claimant Boyea Holdings Ltd Third Claimant W.J. Abbott and Sons Ltd Fourth Claimant Ormiston Arnold Boyea Fifth Claimant v David Holukoff Marcus Wide Both of Grant Thornton, 171 Main Street, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands Receiver-Manager of the Claimants Defendants
- Vanroy Romney Appellant v Sheridan Smith Respondent
- 1. Lennox Linton 2. Edison James Claimants v 1. Anthony W. Astaphan 2. Frankie Bellot 3. Island Communications Ltd 4. Mervin Paul 5. Attorney General of Dominica Defendants [ECSC]
- Attorney General of Saint Lucia Appellant v Lorne D.C. Theophilus Respondent [Ecsc]
- Patrick Thomas Patsy Thomas Bernice Bryce Mariska Thomas Winston Thomas Bevin Thomas Knearlyn Thomas Mirium Harryman Vilma Thomas Petitioners v Thomas Real Estate Company Ltd Denzil Thomas Earlyne Thomas Denis Thomas Respondents [ECSC]
- Brantley Inc. v Antarctica Asset Management Ltd
- Earlon Alvan Lewis Petitioner/Cross-Respondent v Isadore Pamela Lewis née Benn Respondent/Cross-Petitioner
- Melvin Clarke & Olive Clarke Appellants v Commissioner of Police Respondent [ECSC]
- Dean Jonas Petitioner v Jacqui Quinn-Leandro Marilyn Simon Lorna Simon The Electoral Commission Respondents [ECSC]
- Adam Bilzerian Appellant v [1. Gerald Lou Weiner [2. Kathleen Ann Weiner Respondents
- (1) Astian Group Ltd; (2) Indian Ocean Petroleum Services Ltd v (1) TNK Industrial Holdings Ltd; (2) Alfa Petroleum Holdings Ltd; (3) Oil and Gas Holding Ltd
- David Sampson (Intended Administrator of the Estate of Elisha Sampson, deceased) Appellant v David Adolphus Mckenzie Respondent [ECSC]
- Dantzler Inc. Claimant v Galloway Hardware & Building Materials Ltd Defendant
- James H. Herbert Claimant v Nelisa Spencer Defdendant
- O'Keeffe v Russell
- Errol Edwards Claimant v Gabriel George Defendant [ECSC]
- Merle Bailey (as Co-administrator in the Estate of John Samuel Richardson, Deceased) Claimant v Bernadine Huligar (as Representative for the Estate of Albert Bryan, Deceased and Cautioner Against The Estate of John Samuel Richardson) First Defendant Dennis Pantophlet (as Co-administrator in the Estate of John Samuel Richardson, Deceased) Second Defendant Theodora Bryan (as Co-administrator in the Estate of John Samuel Richardson, Deceased) Third Defendant [ECSC]
- Gregory Knight (by his attorney Kent Knight) Claimant/Applicant v First Caribbean International Bank Defendant Brenda Knight Claimant/Respondent v Kent Knight Defendant/Applicant [ECSC]
- Fitzpatrick v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (No.2)
- Grand View Strata Corporation Appellant v 1. The Planning Appeals Tribunal (PAT) 2. Bronte Development Ltd Respondents
- Barney Johnson v Frenchman's Cay Hotel Ltd
- Mallalieu v Drummond
- O'Doherty v Whelan
- [1] Frantisek Stepanek [2] Jaroslav Rokos [3] Sokolovska Uhelna Pravini Nastupcs, A.s Appellants v [1] Aqua Investments Ltd (Company number C27257) [2] Morning Star Holdings Ltd [3] Meridian Trust Company Ltd [4] Conrad I. Smithen Respondents [ECSC]
- Cooke v Walsh
- Glenford Christian and Another v Weststar International Ltd and Others
- Hunter v Blackwood
- Fitzgerald v Hall, Russell & Company Ltd
- British Oxygen Company v South West Scotland Electricity Board (No 2)
- Hynd's Trustee v Hynd's Trustees
- Anderson and Others v Anderson and Others (ex parte as to Certain Respondents)
- Attorney General, ex rel Yorkshire Derwent Trust Ltd and Another v Brotherton and Others
- ICI Plc v Colmer (Inspector of Taxes)
- DPP v Morey
- Comdel Commodities Ltd v Siporex Trade S.A. (No. 2)
- Kirk Lofters v Attorney General and Another
- Rio Brown v N E M Insurance Company (JA) Ltd
- Theophilus McLeod v Joseph Richards
- Israel Bruce Claimant v Wilwia Black-Williams Clifford Williams Defendants
- The Queen v Jemal Abdullah Khan
- DPP v Healy
- Advantage Life & Annuity Company Spc Plaintiff v Frederick A. Forster 1st Defendant Graham Taylor 2nd Defendant Lynda Yablon, Executor of the Estate of Sally Furman 3rd Defendant Lynda Yablon 4th Defendant Lynda Yablon, Executor of the 5th Defendant Estate of Mel Yablon Sue Furman 6th Defendant Cheryl Mondschein 7th Defendant Bjorn Aaserod 8th Defendant Judith Douglas 9th Defendant Randolph Whitney Bae 10th Defendant
- Milad Sassine Applicant v Lady Gloria Antrobus Respondent
- The Queen v Sherrell Denneilia Jackson
[See more]