The Roumania Order in Council Dated 30th April 1894, Sr No 119 and the Extradition Act 1989 and a Request for the Extradition of Tanjala f/n Mihai and an Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus by Mihai Tanjala
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The Roumania Order in Council Dated 30th April 1894, Sr No 119 and the Extradition Act 1989 and a Request for the Extradition of Tanjala f/n Mihai and an Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus by Mihai Tanjala
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Core Citations
- Greece v Governor of Brixton Prison (ex parte Kotronis)
- Fernandez v Government of Singapore; R v Governor of Pentonville Prison ex parte Fernandez
- R v Governor of Pentonville Prison, ex parte Budlong; R v Governor of Holloway Prison, ex parte Kember
[See more]
This document cites
- Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales
- Andrew Symeou v Public Prosecutor’s Office At The Court of Appeals, Patras, Greece
- Greece v Governor of Brixton Prison (ex parte Kotronis)
- Vladimir Antonov and Another v Prosecutor Generals Office Lithuania
- Re Nielsen