The Queen v Lance Edward Franklin
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Core Citations
The Queen v Leslie Alfred Camilleri
The Queen v Michael Charles Glennon
The Queen v Dat Tuan Nguyen
[See more]
R v Simon Bernard
Broadhurst v The Queen
R v John Bingley, John Dutton, and William Batkin
The Queen v Ann Williams and John Rees
R v Brisac
The Queen v Michael Joseph Challoner
Shepherd v R
R v Smith
R v William Standley, William Jones, and John Webster
R v Ann Williams and John Rees
R v Cato
R v Kelly (Martin) and McCarthy (James)
R v Charles Worker
Stansfield's, Kirkwood's, and Dade's Case
Warne v Martin
R v Jordan, Sullivan, Mott, and Seale
Bloxam Knt. and Others against Surtees and Others
R v Robert Kirkwood, James Collyer, and William Calvert
R v Jonathan Dade, Robert Kirkwood, John Stansfield and Others
The Queen v Saunders & Archer
R v William Stewart and Ann Dickens
R v James Sheppard
Macklin, Murphy, and Others' Case
Gilbert v The Queen
R v Samuel Soares, William Atkinson, and John Brighton
This document cites
Alabama - 65 So. 721 (Ala.App. 1914), 129, Henderson v. State
South Carolina - 149 S.E. 348 (S.C. 1929), 12567, State v. Francis
South Carolina - 149 S.E. 593 (S.C. 1929), 12734, Norwood Nat. Bank v. Allston
South Carolina - 182 S.E. 427 (S.C. 1935), 14173, State v. Luster
Wisconsin - 350 N.W.2d 65 (Wis. 1984), 82-232-CR, State v. Serebin
See all quotations
Gilbert v The Queen
R v Cato
The Queen v Michael Joseph Challoner
The Queen v Leslie Alfred Camilleri
The Queen v Michael Charles Glennon
The Queen v Dat Tuan Nguyen
R v James Sheppard
R v Kelly (Martin) and McCarthy (James)
R v Simon Bernard
Bloxam Knt. and Others against Surtees and Others
R v John Bingley, John Dutton, and William Batkin
Warne v Martin
Bingley's Case
Stansfield's, Kirkwood's, and Dade's Case
The Queen v Ann Williams and John Rees
Hodge's Case
R v Ann Williams and John Rees
Macklin, Murphy, and Others' Case
R v Smith
R v Charles Worker
R v Jonathan Dade, Robert Kirkwood, John Stansfield and Others
Shepherd v R
Broadhurst v The Queen
R v Samuel Soares, William Atkinson, and John Brighton
R v William Standley, William Jones, and John Webster
R v Jordan, Sullivan, Mott, and Seale
R v William Stewart and Ann Dickens
R v Robert Kirkwood, James Collyer, and William Calvert
The Queen v Saunders & Archer
R v Brisac