The Companies Act (2023 Revision) and Uphold Ltd Between: 1. William Laggner 2. Bearing Ventures LLC 3. West End Capital II LLC 4. Charles Simmons 5. Peter Kearns 6. Michael Zaitsev Petitioners v 1. Uphold Ltd 2. Adrian Steckel 3. Uphold Holdings LLC 4. ASP Capital Sub I Inc. 5. Amherst Holdings Ltd Respondents

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The Companies Act (2023 Revision) and Uphold Ltd Between: 1. William Laggner 2. Bearing Ventures LLC 3. West End Capital II LLC 4. Charles Simmons 5. Peter Kearns 6. Michael Zaitsev Petitioners v 1. Uphold Ltd 2. Adrian Steckel 3. Uphold Holdings LLC 4. ASP Capital Sub I Inc. 5. Amherst Holdings Ltd Respondents

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