Sunam Uddin, Abdur Rahim, Mohammed Ejaz Abdul Sattar and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department
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Sunam Uddin, Abdur Rahim, Mohammed Ejaz Abdul Sattar and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department
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Core Citations
- Immigration Act 1971 - Articles : S-21
- R v Secretary of State for the Environment. ex parte Powis
- R v Bolton Magistrates Court, ex parte Scally ; R v Bolton Magistrates Court, ex parte Greenfield ; R v Eccles Magistrates Court, ex parte Meredith ; R v Trafford Magistrates Court, ex parte Dura-Jordan
- Hassan Miah v Secretary of state for the home department; Mohamed Aslam v Secretary of state for the home department
This document cites
- R v Secretary of State for the Environment. ex parte Powis
- R v Secretary of state for the home department ex parte Noor Uddin and Aftab Ali
- Hassan Miah v Secretary of state for the home department; Mohamed Aslam v Secretary of state for the home department
- R v Bolton Magistrates Court, ex parte Scally ; R v Bolton Magistrates Court, ex parte Greenfield ; R v Eccles Magistrates Court, ex parte Meredith ; R v Trafford Magistrates Court, ex parte Dura-Jordan
- R v Secretary of state for the home department ex parte Abdul Rosed; ex parte Abdul Sattar; ex parte Sunam Uddin; ex parte Mohammed Ejaz; ex parte Abdur Rahim