Sumaida v. Can. (M.C.I.), (2000) 252 N.R. 380 (FCA)
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Sumaida v. Can. (M.C.I.), (2000) 252 N.R. 380 (FCA)
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This document cites
- Sumaida v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), (1995) 116 F.T.R. 1 (TD)
- Sivakumar v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, (1993) 163 N.R. 197 (FCA)
- Ramirez v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, (1992) 135 N.R. 390 (FCA)
- R. v. Wigman, (1987) 75 N.R. 51 (SCC)
- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees