Staatsdiensliga van Suid-Afrika en Andere v Minister van Waterwese
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Core Citations
This document cites
Malloch v Aberdeen Corporation
Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service
Lloyd (A.P.) and Others (A.P.) v McMahon
R v East Berkshire Health Authority, ex parte Walsh
McInnes v Onslow-Fane
See all quotations
Orange Free State Provincial Administration v Luyt
Gründling v Beyers and Others
Mokoena and Others v Administrator, Transvaal
Morarjee v Minister of Law and Order and Others
Administrateur van Suidwes-Afrika en 'n Ander v Pieters
Laubscher v Native Commissioner, Piet Retief
Monckten v British South Africa Co
Moodley and Others v Minister of Education and Culture, House of Delegates, and Another
Mokopanele en Andere v Administrateur, Oranje Vrystaat, en Andere
Attorney-General, Eastern Cape v Blom and Others
Schierhout v Minister of Justice
Nchabaleng v Director of Education (Transvaal) and Another
R v Ngwevela
Honono v Willowvale Bantu School Board and Another
Langeni and Others v Minister of Health and Welfare and Others
Administrator, Transvaal, and Others v Traub and Others
Plascon-Evans Paints Ltd v Van Riebeeck Paints (Pty) Ltd