Shurb et al. v. Brandon (City), (1988) 56 Man.R.(2d) 222 (QB)
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Shurb et al. v. Brandon (City), (1988) 56 Man.R.(2d) 222 (QB)
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This document cites
- Maida v. Dalewood Investments Ltd., (1985) 8 O.A.C. 369 (SCC)
- Revelstoke Companies Ltd. v. Moose Jaw (City), Royal Trust Corp. of Canada, Pied Piper Plumbing and Heating Ltd., Proulx, Chernoff and M.L.S. Construction Ltd., (1983) 28 Sask.R. 115 (QB)
- Neale v Gordon-Lennox
- Harvey v Croydon Union Rural Sanitary Authority
- Matthews v Munster