Seabreeze Yacht Charters Ltd v The Owners and Persons Interested in the Ship ‘Womanship’
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Seabreeze Yacht Charters Ltd v The Owners and Persons Interested in the Ship ‘Womanship’
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Core Citations
This document cites
- BETWEEN Hugh Sinclair Arbuthnott Respondent and Patrick Feltrim Fagan Appellant and BETWEEN: Michael Eunan Mclarnon Deeny Respondent and Gooda Walker Ltd ((in Liquidation)) Appellant
- Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman
- The Arantzazu Mendi
- The Arantzazu Mendi
- ARBUTHNOTT and Others v FAGAN and FELTRIM UNDERWRITING AGENCIES Ltd and Others and Two Other Actions (1st Appeal) ARBUTHNOTT and Others v FAGAN and FELTRIM UNDERWRITING AGENCIES Ltd and Others and Two