Saturley v. Lund et al., (2007) 266 N.S.R.(2d) 144 (SC)
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Saturley v. Lund et al., (2007) 266 N.S.R.(2d) 144 (SC)
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This document cites
- Michaels et al. v. Red Deer College, (1975) 5 N.R. 99 (SCC)
- Saturley v. Lund et al., 2006 NSSC 331
- Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto and Manning, (1995) 84 O.A.C. 1 (SCC)
- Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto and Manning, (1995) 184 N.R. 1 (SCC)
- Saturley v. Lund et al., (2005) 239 N.S.R.(2d) 166 (SC)