Rehman v The Minister for Justice and Equality
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Core Citations
This document cites
A.M.Y. v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Bigia v Entry Clearance Officer
Santos v Santos
T.A.R and Another v Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence
Wang [A minor] and Others v Minister for Justice and Law Reform
See all quotations
SM (India) v Entry Clearance Officer
Hickey v McGowan
Khan v Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform
Subhan v The Minister for Justice and Equality
A (R) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Idiakheua v Minister for Justice
KG (Sri Lanka) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; AK (Sri Lanka) v Same
Gully v Dix
Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
European Communities Act 1972
Divorce Reform Act 1969
European Communities (Free Movement of Persons) Regulations 2015
Fatma Pehlivan v Staatssecretaris van Justitie.
Blaise Baheten Metock and Others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
Openbaar Ministerie v Paweł Dworzecki.
Secretary of State for the Home Department v Muhammad Sazzadur Rahman and Others.
Baumbast and R v Secretary of State for the Home Department.
Salah Oulane v Minister voor Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie.
Yunying Jia v Migrationsverket.
Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims
Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States amending Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 and repealing Directives 64/221/EEC, 68/360/EEC, 72/194/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/EEC, 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC and 93/96/EEC (Text with EEA relevance)