Judge: McLachlin, Beverley; L'Heureux-Dubé, Claire; Gonthier, Charles Doherty; Iacobucci, Frank; Major, John C.; Bastarache, Michel; Binnie, William Ian Corneil; Arbour, Louise; LeBel, Louis
Court: Supreme Court of Canada
Case Date: Thursday November 15, 2001
Jurisdiction: Canada (Federal)
Citations: [2001] 3 SCR 488;2001 SCC 78;16 MVR (4th) 159;158 BCAC 98;258 WAC 98;JE 2001-2134;96 BCLR (3d) 57;[2002] 2 WWR 1;277 NR 301;158 CCC (3d) 486;205 DLR (4th) 613;51 WCB (2d) 333;[2001] SCJ No 75 (QL);46 CR (5th) 197
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R. v. Nette, [2001] 3 SCR 488
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