R. v. Grant (I.M.) et al., 2003 MBQB 254
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R. v. Grant (I.M.) et al., 2003 MBQB 254
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This document cites
- R. v. Prosper, (1994) 133 N.S.R.(2d) 321 (SCC)
- R. v. Rockwood, (1989) 91 N.S.R.(2d) 305 (CA)
- New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v. J.G. and D.V., (1999) 216 N.B.R.(2d) 25 (SCC)
- Panacui v. Legal Aid Society (Alta.), (1987) 80 A.R. 137 (QB)
- R. v. Rowbotham et al., (1988) 25 O.A.C. 321 (CA)