R. v. Creekside Hideaway Motel Ltd. et al., (2006) 206 Man.R.(2d) 168 (QB)
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R. v. Creekside Hideaway Motel Ltd. et al., (2006) 206 Man.R.(2d) 168 (QB)
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This document cites
- Four B Manufacturing Ltd. v. United Garment Workers of America and Ontario Labour Relations Board and Brant et al., (1979) 30 N.R. 421 (SCC)
- Baril v. Obelnicki, (2004) 183 Man.R.(2d) 118 (QB)
- Winko v. Forensic Psychiatric Institute (B.C.) et al., (1999) 124 B.C.A.C. 1 (SCC)
- Auton et al. v. British Columbia (Minister of Health) et al., (2004) 327 N.R. 1 (SCC)
- Saskatchewan Hotels Association v. Saskatchewan, 2005 SKQB 335