R (Manchester City Council) v St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council
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R (Manchester City Council) v St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council
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Core Citations
- R v Islington London Borough Council, ex parte Rixon
- R v Cardiff County Council, ex parte Sears Group Properties Ltd
- R v Gloucestershire County Council and Another, ex parte Barry ; Same v Same
- R (G) v Barnet London Borough Council; R (W) v Lambeth London Borough Council; R (A) v Same
- National Assistance Act 1948 - Articles : S-21
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - Articles : S-2
[See more]
- R (St Helens Borough Council) v Manchester Primary Care Trust
- R v Gloucestershire County Council and Another, ex parte Barry ; Same v Same
- R (Niazi) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; R (Bhatt Murphy (A Firm) and Others v Independent Assessor
[See more]
This document cites
- R (St Helens Borough Council) v Manchester Primary Care Trust
- R (Spink) v Wandsworth London Borough Council
- AFP Manchester City Council v St Helens Borough Council
- R (Niazi) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; R (Bhatt Murphy (A Firm) and Others v Independent Assessor
- Nexus Communications Group Ltd v Lambert and Others