Potter v. Nova Scotia Securities Commission, [2006] N.S.R.(2d) Uned. 7
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Potter v. Nova Scotia Securities Commission, [2006] N.S.R.(2d) Uned. 7
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This document cites
- O'Connor v. Nova Scotia (Minister of the Priorities and Planning Secretariat), 2001 NSCA 47
- RJR-MacDonald Inc. et Imperial Tobacco Ltd. v. Canada (Procureur général), (1994) 164 N.R. 1 (SCC)
- Waverley (Village Commissioners) et al. v. Kerr et al., (1994) 129 N.S.R.(2d) 298 (CA)
- Canada Life Assurance Co. v. Nova Scotia (Minister of Municipal Affairs) et al., (1996) 150 N.S.R.(2d) 360 (CA)
- MacCulloch v. McInnes, Cooper & Robertson, 2000 NSCA 92