People v. Dziuba
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People v. Dziuba
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This document cites
- Michigan - Stowers v. Wolodzko
- Michigan - People v. Waterman
- US - Reference Stubs - Grant of parole; conditions; paroles-in-custody; rules
- US - Reference Stubs - Prisoners subject to jurisdiction of parole board; indeterminate and other sentences; termination of sentence; prisoner sentenced to imprisonment for life; ineligibility for parole; criteria for placement on parole; conditions; interview; release on parole; discretion of parole board; appeal to circuit court; cooperation with law enforcement by prisoner violating MCL 333.7401 and 333.7403; offenses occurring before certain date; notice to prosecuting attorney before granting parole; definitions
- US - Reference Stubs - MCL 750.317 Second Degree Murder; Penalty