Tertir-Terminais de Portugal SA v Commission of the European Communities.
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Tertir-Terminais de Portugal SA v Commission of the European Communities.
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Core Citations
This document cites
- Adalino Baldi v Caisse de compensation pour allocations familiales.
- Antippas v Commission of the European Communities.
- Cotecna Inspection SA v Commission of the European Communities.
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 2213/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of Guinea Bissau, and of the two exchanges of letters referring thereto
- Council Regulation (EC) No 249/2002 of 21 January 2002 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol establishing the fishing opportunities and the compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau for the period 16 June 2001 to 15 June 2006