GoldStar Europe GmbH v Hauptzollamt Ludwigshafen.
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GoldStar Europe GmbH v Hauptzollamt Ludwigshafen.
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This document cites
- Gijs van de Kolk-Douane Expéditeur BV v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen.
- Gustave Wuidart and others v Laiterie coopérative eupenoise société coopérative and others.
- Gebr. Vismans Nederland BV v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen.
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 2055/84 of 16 July 1984 amending Regulation (EEC) No 97/69 on measures to be taken for uniform application of the nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2275/88 of 25 July 1988 concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature