Antonio Crispoltoni v Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi and Giuseppe Natale and Antonio Pontillo v Donatab Srl.
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Antonio Crispoltoni v Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi and Giuseppe Natale and Antonio Pontillo v Donatab Srl.
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Core Citations
This document cites
- SARPP - Société d'application et de recherches en pharmacologie et phytotherapie SARL v Chambre syndicale des raffineurs et conditionneurs de sucre de France and others.
- The Queen v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Secretary of State for Health, ex parte: Fedesa and others.
- Kingdom of Spain v Council of the European Communities.
- Eridania zuccherifici nazionali SpA and others v Cassa conguaglio zucchero and the Italian Ministry of Finance and Treasury.
- Gustave Wuidart and others v Laiterie coopérative eupenoise société coopérative and others.