The Queen, on the application of Yvonne Watts v Bedford Primary Care Trust and Secretary of State for Health.
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The Queen, on the application of Yvonne Watts v Bedford Primary Care Trust and Secretary of State for Health.
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Core Citations
This document cites
- National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990
- V.G. Müller-Fauré v Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij OZ Zorgverzekeringen UA and E.E.M. van Riet v Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij ZAO Zorgverzekeringen.
- Abdon Vanbraekel and Others v Alliance nationale des mutualités chrétiennes (ANMC).
- Belgian State v René Humbel and Marie-Thérèse Edel.
- Ludwig Leichtle v Bundesanstalt für Arbeit.