Commune de Mesquer v Total France SA and Total International Ltd.
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Commune de Mesquer v Total France SA and Total International Ltd.
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Core Citations
This document cites
- Vincenzo Manfredi v Lloyd Adriatico Assicurazioni SpA (C-295/04), Antonio Cannito v Fondiaria Sai SpA (C-296/04) and Nicolò Tricarico (C-297/04) and Pasqualina Murgolo (C-298/04) v Assitalia SpA.
- Procedimento penal entablado contra Matteo Peralta.
- Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain.
- Turn- und Sportunion Waldburg v Finanzlandesdirektion für Oberösterreich.
- Union royale belge des sociétés de football association ASBL v Jean-Marc Bosman, Royal club liégeois SA v Jean-Marc Bosman and others and Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA) v Jean-Marc Bosman.