Multibond Inc. v. Duracoat Powder Manufacturing Inc., (1999) 177 F.T.R. 226 (TD)
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Multibond Inc. v. Duracoat Powder Manufacturing Inc., (1999) 177 F.T.R. 226 (TD)
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This document cites
- Ruggles v. Fording Coal Ltd. et al., (1998) 152 F.T.R. 96 (TD)
- Patex Snowmobiles Ltd. v. Bombardier Ltd. et al., (1993) 153 N.R. 235 (FCA)
- Canada v. Aqua-Gem Investments Ltd., (1993) 149 N.R. 273 (FCA)
- Baroud v. Canada, (1998) 160 F.T.R. 91 (TD)
- Patex Snowmobiles Ltd. v. Bombardier Ltd. et al., (1991) 48 F.T.R. 221 (TD)