Mpande Foodliner CC v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service and Others
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Core Citations
This document cites
Wiseman v Borneman
Ex parte Preston (pet. all.)
R v Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte National Federation of Self-Employed and Small Businesses Ltd
R v Independent Television Commission, ex parte TSW Broadcasting Ltd
R v Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte MFK Underwriting Agencies Ltd and Others and related applications
See all quotations
R v Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Unilever Plc and Another
Ridge v Baldwin
F&I SERVICES Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise; R v CUSTOMS and EXICSE COMMISSIONERS, ex parte F&I SERVICES Ltd
Matrix Securities Ltd v Commissioners of Inland Revenue
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In re Ex parte President of the Republic of South Africa and Others
Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Knuth; Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Industrial Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Smith v Commissioner for Inland Revenue
Attorney-General, Eastern Cape v Blom and Others
Ferela (Pty) Ltd and Others v Commissioner for Inland Revenue and Others
Hicklin v Secretary for Inland Revenue
Secretary for Inland Revenue v Geustyn, Forsyth & Joubert
Maharaj v Chairman, Liquor Board
Van Eck, NO, and Van Rensburg, NO, v Etna Stores
Rangani v Superintendent-General, Department of Health and Welfare, Northern Province
Contract Support Services (Pty) Ltd and Others v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services and Others
Du Preez and Another v Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Administrator, Transvaal, and Others v Traub and Others
Hindry v Nedcor Bank Ltd and Another
Van Huyssteen and Others NNO v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others
R v Magana