Minister van Onderwys en Kultuur en Andere v Louw
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Core Citations
This document cites
Whiteman against King
Administrateur van Suidwes-Afrika en 'n Ander v Pieters
Mkhwanazi v Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, KwaZulu
Attorney-General, Eastern Cape v Blom and Others
Benson v SA Mutual Life Assurance Society
See all quotations
Hlaba v Director-General, Department of Education and Training, and Another
Whittaker v Roos and Bateman Morant v Roos and Bateman Respondents
Soffiantini v Mould
Blue Circle Ltd v Valuation Appeal Board, Lichtenburg, and Another
South African Defence and Aid Fund and Another v Minister of Justice
Yanta and Others v Minister of Education and Culture, KwaZulu, and Another
Rex v Standard Tea and Coffee Co (Pty) Ltd and Another
Minister of the Interior and Another v Mariam
Tshabalala and Others v Minister of Health and Others
Latib v the Administrator, Transvaal
SA Eagle Insurance Co Ltd v Bavuma
South African Roads Board v Johannesburg City Council
Mphosi v Central Board for Co-Operative Insurance Ltd
Administrator, Transvaal, and Others v Traub and Others
Plascon-Evans Paints Ltd v Van Riebeeck Paints (Pty) Ltd
Standard Bank of SA Ltd v Sappi Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd
Van der Merwe v Meyer
S v Van Zyl
Moulder v Thom and Another
Sewmungal and Another, NNO v Regent Cinema
Administrator, Transvaal, and Others v Zenzile and Others
Administrator, Natal, and Another v Sibiya and Another
Van der Westhuizen NO v United Democratic Front