Minister van Justisie v Van Heerden
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Core Citations
This document cites
Alexander v Comber
The Queen against William Musson
Martin Moore against John Shepherd, The Deputy Master of The Trinity House of Deptford Strond
Wyvill, Clerk v Shepherd
Brown against Leeson
See all quotations
Davidson against Lord Foley and Others
Samuel Sturgis, Provisional Assignee of the Estate and Effects of Theodore Williams, an Insolvent Debtor, against Charles James, Lord Bishop of London
Howell, Clerk to the Vestry of the Parish of St George in the East in the County of Middlesex, and to the Trustees for Putting in Execution the Act of Parliament of 46 G 3, c lxxvii (local and personal, public), against The London Dock Company
Minister van Justisie v Van Heerden
R v Glen and Another
MCC Bazaar v Harris & Jones (Pty) Ltd
R v Gouws
R v Madine
Jajbhay v Cassim
Marks Ltd v Laughton
R v Dinath
Claassens v Pretorius
Yuras v District Commandant of Police, Durban