MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. et al. v. Youell et al., (1993) 28 B.C.A.C. 39 (CA)
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MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. et al. v. Youell et al., (1993) 28 B.C.A.C. 39 (CA)
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This document cites
- Terrasses Jewellers Inc. v. Triglav, (1983) 54 N.R. 321 (SCC)
- Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd. v. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Ltd. et al., (1981) 36 N.R. 541 (SCC)
- Miida Electronics Inc. v. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. and ITO-International Terminal Operators Ltd., (1986) 68 N.R. 241 (SCC)
- Monk Corp. v. Island Fertilizers Ltd., (1989) 97 N.R. 384 (FCA)
- Engine and Leasing Co. et al. v. Atlantic Towing Ltd., (1992) 51 F.T.R. 1 (TD)