Kincaid v. Department of Corrections
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Kincaid v. Department of Corrections
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This document cites
- Michigan - City of Hazel Park v. Potter
- Michigan - Cashel v. Smith
- US - Reference Stubs - Request to inspect or receive copy of public record; response to request; failure to respond; damages; contents of notice denying request; signing notice of denial; notice extending period of response; action by requesting person
- US - Reference Stubs - Options by requesting person; appeal; actions by public body; receipt of written appeal; judicial review; civil action; venue; de novo proceeding; burden of proof; private view of public record; contempt; assignment of action or appeal for hearing, trial, or argument; attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements; assessment of award; damages
- US - Reference Stubs - Public records; right to inspect, copy, or receive; subscriptions; forwarding requests; file; inspection and examination; memoranda or abstracts; rules; compilation, summary, or report of information; creation of new public record; certified copies