Arthur Gottwald v Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz.
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Arthur Gottwald v Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz.
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This document cites
- The Queen, on the application of Dany Bidar v London Borough of Ealing and Secretary of State for Education and Skills.
- Union royale belge des sociétés de football association ASBL v Jean-Marc Bosman, Royal club liégeois SA v Jean-Marc Bosman and others and Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA) v Jean-Marc Bosman.
- Erich Ciola contra Land Vorarlberg.
- Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic.
- Asociación Nacional de Empresas Forestales (Asemfo) v Transformación Agraria SA (Tragsa) and Administración del Estado.