Honeywell International, Inc. v Commission of the European Communities.
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Honeywell International, Inc. v Commission of the European Communities.
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Core Citations
This document cites
- Aalborg Portland A/S (C-204/00 P), Irish Cement Ltd (C-205/00 P), Ciments français SA (C-211/00 P), Italcementi - Fabbriche Riunite Cemento SpA (C-213/00 P), Buzzi Unicem SpA (C-217/00 P) and Cementir - Cementerie del Tirreno SpA (C-219/00 P) v Commission of the European Communities.
- Limburgse Vinyl Maatschappij NV (LVM) (C-238/99 P), DSM NV and DSM Kunststoffen BV (C-244/99 P), Montedison SpA (C-245/99 P), Elf Atochem SA (C-247/99 P), Degussa AG (C-250/99 P), Enichem SpA (C-251/99 P), Wacker-Chemie GmbH and Hoechst AG (C-252/99 P) and Imperial Chemical Industries plc (ICI) (C-254/99 P) v Commission of the European Communities.
- Conseil national des professions de l'automobile, Fédération nationale des distributeurs, loueurs et réparateurs de matériels de bâtiment-travaux publics et de manutention, Auto Contrôle 31 SA, Yam 31 SARL, Roux SA, Marc Foucher-Creteau and Verdier distribution SARL v Commission of the European Communities.
- Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas contra AssiDomän Kraft Products AB, Iggesunds Bruk AB, Korsnäs AB, MoDo Paper AB, Södra Cell AB, Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB y Svenska Cellulosa AB.
- Commission of the European Communities and French Republic v Télévision française 1 SA (TF1).