Rey Soda v Cassa Conguaglio Zucchero.
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Rey Soda v Cassa Conguaglio Zucchero.
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This document cites
- Regulation (EEC) No 1495/74 of the Commission of 14 June 1974 complementing the Regulation (EEC) No 834/74 laying down requisite provisions to prevent the sugar market being disturbed as a result of the price increase in this sector for the 1974/75 sugar marketing year
- Regulation (EEC) No 748/68 of the Council of 18 June 1968 laying down general rules for postponing part of the sugar production to the following marketing year
- Regulation No 1009/67/EEC of the Council of 18 December 1967 on the common organisation of the market in sugar
- Regulation (EEC) No 834/74 of the Commission of 5 April 1974 laying down requisite provisions to prevent the sugar market being disturbed as a result of the price increase in this sector for the 1974/75 sugar marketing year
- Règlement (CEE) n° 1344/71 de la Commission, du 25 juin 1971, relatif à certaines mesures à prendre dans le secteur du sucre à la suite de la dévaluation du franc français