James Clark, Assignee of Thomas Shepherd, a Bankrupt, - Appellant; Baboo Rouplaul Mullick, - Respondent; and by revivor between James Clark, - Appellant; Sree Mutty Doorgamoney Dossee, Executrix; Prawnkissen Mullick, and Sreekissen Mullick, Executors of Baboo Rouplaul Mullick, deceased, - Respondents

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James Clark, Assignee of Thomas Shepherd, a Bankrupt, - Appellant; Baboo Rouplaul Mullick, - Respondent; and by revivor between James Clark, - Appellant; Sree Mutty Doorgamoney Dossee, Executrix; Prawnkissen Mullick, and Sreekissen Mullick, Executors of Baboo Rouplaul Mullick, deceased, - Respondents

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