Houle Estate v. Houle, (1996) 192 A.R. 237 (QB)
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Houle Estate v. Houle, (1996) 192 A.R. 237 (QB)
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This document cites
- Houle Estate v. Houle, (1996) 186 A.R. 359 (QB)
- Feigelman, Feigelman, Goldberg, R.L.L. Holdings Ltd. and Pre-Vue Co. (Canada) Ltd. v. Aetna Financial Services Ltd., Lax and Burke, (1985) 56 N.R. 241 (SCC)
- Borowski v. Fiedler (Heinrich) Perforiertechnik GmbH et al., (1994) 158 A.R. 213 (QB)
- Barclay-Johnson v Yuill