Gauthier v. Saint-Germain, (2010) 264 O.A.C. 336 (CA)
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Gauthier v. Saint-Germain, (2010) 264 O.A.C. 336 (CA)
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This document cites
- Young v. Bella et al., (2006) 254 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 26 (SCC)
- Blanchard, (2006) 352 N.R. 192 (Motion)
- Dawson v. University of Toronto et al., [2007] O.A.C. Uned. 528
- Mohl v. University of British Columbia, (2006) 222 B.C.A.C. 258 (CA)
- Visic v. University of Windsor et al., [2008] O.A.C. Uned. 490 (CA)