Directiva 97/41/CE del Consejo de 25 de junio de 1997 por la que se modifican las Directivas 76/895/CEE, 86/362/CEE, 86/363/CEE y 90/642/CEE relativas a la fijación de los contenidos máximos de residuos de plaguicidas en las frutas y hortalizas, sobre y en los cereales, sobre y en los productos alimenticios de origen animal, y en...
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Directiva 97/41/CE del Consejo de 25 de junio de 1997 por la que se modifican las Directivas 76/895/CEE, 86/362/CEE, 86/363/CEE y 90/642/CEE relativas a la fijación de los contenidos máximos de residuos de plaguicidas en las frutas y hortalizas, sobre y en los cereales, sobre y en los productos alimenticios de origen animal, y en...
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Core Citations
This document cites
- Council Directive 89/397/EEC of 14 June 1989 on the official control of foodstuffs
- Council Directive 96/32/EC of 21 May 1996 amending Annex II to Directive 76/895/EEC relating to the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on fruit and vegetables and Annex II to Directive 90/642/EEC relating to the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, and providing for the establishment of a list of maximum levels
- Council Directive of 27 November 1990 on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables (90/642/EEC)
- Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations
- Commission Directive of 14 May 1991 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae (91/321/EEC)