Executive Council, Western Cape v Minister of Provincial Affairs and Constitutional Development and Another; Executive Council, KwaZulu-Natal v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others
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Core Citations
This document cites
S v Makwanyane and Another
Ex parte Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature: In re KwaZulu-Natal Amakhosi and Iziphakanyiswa Amendment Bill of 1995 Ex parte Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature: In re Payment of Salaries, Allowances and Other Privileges to the Ingonyama Bill of 1995
Pretoria City Council v Walker
Aziz v Divisional Council, Cape and Another
Coetzee v Government of the Republic of South Africa; Matiso and Others v Commanding Officer, Port Elizabeth Prison, and Others
See all quotations
Ex parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In re Certification of the Amended Text of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
S v Zuma and Others
Ex parte Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Legislature: In re Certification of the Constitution of the Western Cape, 1997
Executive Council, Western Cape Legislature, and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others
S v Marwane
African National Congress and Another v Minister of Local Government and Housing, KwaZulu-Natal and Others
S v Mhlungu and Others
Ex parte Gauteng Provincial Legislature: In re Dispute Concerning the Constitutionality of Certain Provisions of the Gauteng School Education Bill of 1995
Member of the Executive Council for Development Planning and Local Government, Gauteng v Democratic Party and Others
S v Mhlungu and Others
S v Yolelo
Ynuico Ltd v Minister of Trade and Industry and Others
Ex parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In re Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Zantsi v Council of State, Ciskei, and Others
S v Zuma and Others
Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others
Federal Cases - Pittston Coal Group v. Sebben Laughlin v. Sebben Director, Office of Workers Compensation Programs, United States Department of Labor v. Broyles