Dulabh and Another v Department of Land Affairs
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Core Citations
This document cites
Buchanan (James) & Company Ltd v Babco Forwarding & Shipping (U.K.) Ltd
Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher
S v Makwanyane and Another
Jaga v Dönges, NO and Another; Bhana v Dönges, NO and Another
Qozeleni v Minister of Law and Order and Another
See all quotations
Nortje and Another v Attorney-General, Cape, and Another
Baloro and Others v University of Bophuthatswana and Others
Phato v Attorney-General, Eastern Cape and Another; Commissioner of South African Police Services v Attorney-General, Eastern Cape and Others
S v Zuma and Others
Matinkinca and Another v Council of State, Republic of Ciskei, and Another
Phato v Attorney-General, Eastern Cape, and Another; Commissioner of the South African Police Services v Attorney-General, Eastern Cape, and Others
Nortje and Another v Attorney-General, Cape, and Another
Park-Ross and Another v Director: Office for Serious Economic Offences
Matiso and Others v Commanding Officer, Port Elizabeth Prison, and Another
Qozeleni v Minister of Law and Order and Another
Ntenteni v Chairman, Ciskei Council of State, and Another
Park-Ross and Another v Director: Office for Serious Economic Offences
S v Zuma and Others
Federal Cases - Trop v. Dulles